html-p7 Fonts

Green Courier 2

Blue text Weird characters
Back to regular color and typeface.

Back to regular font size

About Fonts
There are various fonts available either on your computer or on computers all over the world. The availability of fonts is particularly important here because, in the Internet world, your computer is part of a team, and if you are designing web files for the World Wide Web, you should know what font is likely to be available on other people's computers.

As it happens, some fonts are very popular and can be found on most computers. Such fonts are Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, Garamond, Verdana, Tahoma, etc. To make sure that your file displays fine on other computers, use one or some of the most popular fonts.

Since the Internet is made of various computers and you cannot predict what fonts are available on your visitors' computers, you have two options: you can decide not to specify a font, or you can provide a list of fonts that are popular. If you don't specify a font, the browser of your visitor will use a default font set in its settings.

To see availabe Fonts in your PC , on the taskbar, click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Double-click Fonts.

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